5 Jan 2013, Sat, 9:25pm
Napped the whole afternoon. Dead tired from the breakfast and thoughts tossing with A & W. :)
One is thinking of starting her business, the other started his but needs ideas. I was just the redundant voice.
Had a late night yesterday and was reading, reading and reading. At least that got my reading momentum going for this year. Everything and almost anything came across interesting to me. So I had to read to the bottom of things. So to speak.
My room is a mess, and desperately needs clearing and uncluttering. So is some parts of my life I guess. It's 2013 already. So? A friend asked if I felt any difference now that the desk calendar has been refreshed for another 12 new pages.
"More hopeful maybe? It's a clean slate to work on my new year resolutions. "
"I like that. Though I do not feel much of a diff between 31 Dec 2012 and 1 Jan 2013", he replied.
This is the year I want to do everything the opposite. What I have not given focus to, I would. This excites me a little. I am always intrigued by how different things can be done, and why not following the norm should be a norm :P
I spent 2 Jan 2013 writing 2 pages long of new year resolutions. That, is an opposite. Resolutions were brief and succinct in 2012. I did dabble and started most of them but never quite completed any single one. Better luck working on this year's 2 pages long tasks.
Brain is still tired. Getting back into waking early is not easy. This is the other opposite I am working on. To sleep early and wake early, the former is too tough to follow. Especially when there are so much to do and pack in a day. Anyway, suck it up, keep calm and journey on. I am sure when we do, adventures unfold and leads to discoveries. That is how we grow, and I have enjoyed how much I have grown in the last decade. Lunch with A today, I was telling her that her advantage over anyone is her vast depth of interpersonal skills, resourcefulness and an eye to see patterns and trends, mostly logical ones :) For her to brave the entrepreneurial world it would not be difficult. Our experience in life brings insights and lessons that enrich us with time. A better version of us emerge daily. I cannot imagine not growing. Every opportunity is for us to grow, to improve, supercede and learn. If we stop learning (and playing), we shrivel and die.
Learning is fun, can be and should be made interesting to anyone. I don't think I can ever get tired with learning. Some friends do, and they do not question things, life or people they meet. So what do their brains do? I wonder, haha.
Another opposite- limit my indulgence in working on a task. Succinct is key. "Get to the point, we don't have the whole day, my dear!", I told myself.
9:50pm (25mins to jot down these thought, no proofreading at all. Don't care. Lol.)
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